
In its 43rd year, this major national exhibition showcases outstanding artistic talent, skill and beauty in a range of water media. During the opening reception, more than 20 awards will be announced.

ANEAW includes transparent and opaque watercolors, casein, egg tempera, gouache, acrylic and ink. This year’s water media works will be selected by Juror of Selection, Dean Mitchell.

Award Winners of ANEAW '24


Award Amount Winner Name Title of Art Work Donors
The Beechmont First in Memory of Matt and Rosetta DeVito $2,500 Chris Krupinski Bittersweet
Charlie & Ann Walker, Reisterstown, MD
The Rosenau-Alexander Memorial Award $1,500 Ken Call Charlotte In Waiting Anonymous
The Morrison Family Memorial Award $1,000 Gayle Weisfield Riders in the Sky R.P. Morrison Family, Vero Beach, FL and Old Forge, NY
Strong Narrative Content Award in Memory of Ben Alexander $1,000 Jane E Stoddard Abandoned The Porter Family
The Arthur E. Baker Jr. and Barbara S. Baker Memorial Award $700 Robert Steedman Welcome Home The Baker Family, Santa Fe, NM, Manlius, NY
and Old Forge, NY
The Garnet Award in Memory of Howard and Judith Slater $500 Marilynne Bradley Where do I Begin The Slater Family, Old Forge, NY
The Judith and A. Richard Cohen Abstraction Award $500 Barbara Edwards Ominous Horizons Miriam Davis Kashiwa Fund, Old Forge, NY
The Burstein Family Award (in Memory of Dorothea and Albert Gordon and Alan Burstein) $500 Robert O'Brien The Frenchman Margery Burstein, Fayetteville, NY and Old Forge NY
Three Smart Sisters Award for Soft Edged Expressionism $500 Woon Lam Ng Early Birds @ Jeju Island Krisjann & John VanOpdorp, Charlene A. Davis
and Jane. D. VanOpdorp, Winchester, MA and Oswego, NY
Realism in Nature Award $500 Michael Ridge As Above, So Below John B. Nolan, Brecksville, OH, and Arnold T. Drooz
Tina Wolfe Memorial Award $500 Nancy Stark Raquette Lake Line Dr. & Mrs. Edward Nathan
The H. Samuel Slater Memorial Award for Landscape, Realistic or Imaginative $500 Alonzo Clarke Family Plot Hilary & Peter Crist, Stockton, NJ,
Jennifer & Jeffrey Posner, Scottsdale, AZ
Friedlander Award $500 Janine Helton It's a Long Story The Sidney Friedlander Family, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
and Old Forge, NY
Ben Emerson Memorial: "Eye for Color" Award $500 Ratindra Das Around the bend The Emerson Family, Rochester, NY
Still Life Award In Memory of Edna Tillman $500 Chris Krupinski Pears and Squares Margaret Huskin
Landscape Award In Memory of Robert Huskins $500 Catherine O'Neill Still Life Margaret Huskin
The Karen and Gary Lee Award $400 Mick McAndrews Door County Memories Karen and Gary Lee, Inlet, NY
The Kashiwa Legacy Award $400 Ron Thurston Rock Paper Scissors The grandchildren of Henry and Miriam Kashiwa
Trails and Streams Award for a Woodlands Theme $400 Catherine O'Neill Stay a Bit Adirondack League Club, Old Forge, NY
Exhibition Award $300 Karen Barnes Red Shirt Burkhard Evans Inc., Inlet, NY
Gurdon and Mildred Evans Memorial Award $300 David Gardner Waiting Robert Fitzgibbon & Jennifer Evans, Rome, NY
The Stafford Family Award for Outstanding Portrait $300 Kathleen Durdin Bass Player Heather & Ed Stafford, Goodyear, AZ and Old Forge, NY
The Segaul Family Award $300 Cindi Handy Color Burst Dr. & Mrs. Robert Segaul, Plantation, FL and Old Forge, NY
Margaret and William Foley Award $300 Elaine Daily-Birnbaum A Great Divide Their Children, Utica and Old Forge, NY
Old Forge Hardware Store Award $250 Jean Cannon Old Carriage House The Old Forge Hardware Inc., Old Forge, NY
W. B. Romeling Memorial Award $250 John James Flying Kites In Grey Skies W. B. Romeling Memorial Fund
Central New York Watercolor Society Award $250 Eileen Sudzina West Newton Bridge Central New York Watercolor Society
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People go through the nearly 400 bowls made by Views Independent Potters

With your generous support, we can continue to offer a diverse set of programs in a number of different artistic mediums at our lowest possible price, including a number of free opportunities to ensure everyone has access to the arts. 

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