What's in View

June 2024

A Note From The Newbie

For the first edition of the new member newsletter, I thought it would be important for me to introduce myself. My name is Katie Farkas and I am the new Membership and Development Associate at View!

A little about me; I am originally from Huntington, on Long Island, NY. I have a BFA in Studio Art with a concentration in education and a double minor in Philosophy and Art History from Adelphi University and was previously working at the Long Island Children’s Museum and a little vegan supermarket called Cindysnacks. Before joining the View team in March, I spent the start of 2024 in Iceland for an art residency at Gullkistan Center for Creativity. In my personal art practice I lean towards digital mediums (photography and video), but am always happy to experiment and get my hands messy. The project I was working on while abroad was titled Dear       , and it was about reflecting on my coming of age in the 21st century, witnessing a period of unparalleled change and growth. In a series of self portraits, I pursued a better understanding of myself and how our rapidly transforming world and the intricate web of relationships that surround us has shaped who I have become and am becoming. Work from this collection will be showing at the Red 225 gallery in Nashville, TN over this summer!

Besides all the visual art things, I love music! Growing up with such easy access to all of the venues in New York City was such a blessing. I also was in a few jazz bands growing up and still regularly play some instruments; trombone, baritone, and guitar being my favorites. I love listening to pretty much any genre, but the artists I have on repeat are Lizzy McAlpine, Poco, Wilderado, the soundtrack to Dirty Dancing, and The Dave Brubeck Quartet.

I am looking forward to growing the Membership Program here at View and making it the best it can be. My goals for this newsletter are to be able to provide members with some more long form content that goes deeper than just what's going on at View. I want to shine a spotlight on our dedicated members and volunteers, talk to exhibiting artists about their pieces and processes, talk to upcoming performers and work to build View members into a community despite not everyone being able to come up to Old Forge all year round!

Should you have any questions, concerns, or just want to say hi, please don’t hesitate to contact me at kfarkas@viewarts.org or  315-369-6411 ext. 212. Thank you for your support of View and I can’t wait to meet everyone throughout my first summer in the Adirondacks!


Sherrie L. Turkheimer: A Creative Journey Through Life's Phases


Sherrie L. Turkheimer, an artist whose life has been a patchwork of experiences, reflects the essence of artistry not just in her creations but also in her journey. From Yonkers to Lake Placid and then Saratoga Springs, NY Turkheimer's artistic evolution mirrors the shifting landscapes of her life and each location left its indelible mark on her artistic sensibilities.

Turkheimer's artistic journey continues to flourish with her involvement in View. Through View, she found camaraderie and a sense of purpose, propelling her forward in her work with each new exhibition and project. What began as a modest exploration of textiles soon blossomed into a rich tapestry of collages, quilts, and feltings, each piece a testament to her boundless creativity.

Despite professing herself as "not such a sewer," Turkheimer's artistic prowess knows no bounds. Her collages, born out of necessity during her teaching days in the Yonkers Public Schools, evolved into intricate compositions that seamlessly blend torn paper and fabric scraps. Through experimentation and collaboration, and being a current member of the Adirondack Artists Textile Art Association (ARTAA) she discovered new mediums and techniques, infusing her work with depth and dimension.

Turkheimer's works are not just a reflection of her own passions but also a tribute to those who supported her along the way. Her husband and their 3 children, steadfast companions in her life, provided the foundation upon which her dreams could flourish. With this unwavering support, Turkheimer found the freedom to pursue her creative career without reservation or hesitation.

Teaching in Yonkers played a pivotal role in Turkheimer’s life as did years of taking evening classes in drawing, painting and sculpture at SUNY Purchase. Turkheimer found joy in imparting knowledge and honing her craft alongside her students. Each lesson learned, each skill acquired, served as a resource for her own exploration, further enriching her work. A show at Blue Mountain Lake Art Gallery, membership in the Saranac Lake Artists’ Guild in Saranac Lake, NY and several shows in Lake Placid, NY added to her art experiences.

Turkheimer's art is not just a reflection of her own experiences but also a celebration of family and heritage. Her "Circle of Life" series, a labor of love dedicated to her loved ones, serves as a testament to the enduring bonds that tie generations together. Through her work, she weaves a narrative of love, loss, and legacy, each stitch a poignant reminder of the passage of time. As Turkheimer continues her artistic journey, one thing remains abundantly clear: her passion for creation knows no bounds. With each new project, each new endeavor, she embraces the unknown with open arms, eager to explore the endless possibilities that lie ahead. She continuously pulls new work from old, exploring and experimenting with composition, material, and color.

For Sherrie L. Turkheimer, art isn't just a pastime—it's a way of being, a means of expression, and a testament to the enduring power of creativity. As she continues to chart her course through life's ever-changing landscape, one thing is certain: her artistic legacy will endure for generations to come.