
Nestled in the heart of Adirondack Park there are vast swaths of sphagnum moss stretching across the horizon. Ancient black spruce trees and fields of sedges pepper a dense blanket of green, red, and gold moss. This spongy riot of color and texture conceals another world beneath the surface. What looks like a wide and flat valley is actually a floating raft of vegetation submerged in water.

This is not a meadow or tundra stretching across solid ground. This is a water-logged burial ground frozen in time. Charlies solo show investigates this land and our changing climate that threatens to upset the delicate balance of water and life in these habitats.

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People go through the nearly 400 bowls made by Views Independent Potters

With your generous support, we can continue to offer a diverse set of programs in a number of different artistic mediums at our lowest possible price, including a number of free opportunities to ensure everyone has access to the arts. 

Please consider including View in your year end giving. Every gift is important and appreciated.

We'll turn your donation into inspiring arts experiences, all year long!

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